PEAK Pro Plus Exclusive Offer

Zero fees on your first 50,000 THB transactions* (limited to 50 merchants/month)

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*Subject to terms and conditions
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Fast, secure, and convenient invoice payments
usp-imageFree QR, all payment methodsAccept QR, cards, installments, and many more
usp-imageAuto status updates, automated entriesForget payment tracking, fewer human errors
usp-imageEasy to use, get started in 1-3 daysAttentive support every step of the way
Trusted by growing businessesBeam is a payments platform trusted by growing businesses to drive maximum sales growth
More payment options, more paying customersAccept all major payment methods from QR PromptPay, cards, installments, mobile banking and E-wallets
Let’s get started
  1. Claim your offer above
  2. The Beam team will reach out to you (view document list)
  3. Start using Beam in 1-3 business days!