Terms & Conditions

Last updated: Monday, 9 May 2022
It is important that you establish what you can expect from us as you use Beam's Services and what we expect from you. These Terms of Service reflect our company’s principles and the laws that apply to our company. By using our “Services” to receive certain payment processing, technology and other services, you agree to these terms.

When we speak of “Beam Checkout,” “Beam,” “we,” “us,” and “our,” we mean Beam Data Co., Ltd.

1. Service provide

Beam Services are provided by, and you are contracting with:

Beam Data Co., Ltd.
No.140, 140 Wireless Building,
22nd Floor, Unit C, Wireless Road,
Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

2. Beam account age requirements and responsibility

You need to be ID-eligible in your country to manage your own Beam Account. The ID-eligibility age typically starts between 13-16 years old in each country. If you are under your ID-eligibility age, your parent or legal guardian will need to read these terms for you.

If you are a parent or legal guardian, and you allow your child to use the services, then these terms apply to you and you’re responsible for your child’s activity on the Services.

You are responsible for what you do with your Beam account, including taking reasonable steps to keep your account secure.

3. What you can expect from us

Beam provides technology to enable data frictionless form filling & payments, a platform that connects customers and businesses.

We will provide you with support relating to the Services, this includes resources and documentation that we make available to you through support pages, API documentation, and other pages on our website (“Documentation”).

Beam may provide upgrades, patches, enhancements, or fixes for the Services to you generally without additional update (“Updates”), and such Updates will become part of the Services and subject to this Agreement. You understand that Beam may cease to support old versions or releases of the Services at any time in its sole discretion; provided that Beam shall use commercially reasonable efforts to give you prior notice of any major changes.

4. Improving Beam's Services

We are constantly striving to improve our Services through various means, whether innovative ideas or technologies. As part of this continual improvement, we sometimes add or remove features and functionalities, increase or decrease limits to our Services, and start or stop offering Services.

If we make substantial changes that have significantly negative impact to your use of our Services, we will provide you with reasonable advance notice and implement measures to support accordingly. Except in urgent situations such as preventing abuse, responding to legal requirements, or addressing security and operability issues.

5. What we expect from you

The permission to use our Services continues as long as you meet your responsibilities in these terms, and any service-specific additional terms. Beam retains any intellectual property rights we have in these Services. Please ensure that you:
  • Comply with applicable laws (including permitted activities from the use of our Services)
  • Respect rights of others
  • Don’t abuse or harm other users and enterprises
  • Don’t abuse, harm, interfere with, or disrupt the Services
If you find anyone who is not following any of the rules, you can report abuse or take action by contacting us immediately.

6. Using our Services on behalf of an organization

To use our Services on behalf of an organization:
  • An authorized representative of that organization must agree to these terms
  • Your organization’s administrator may assign specific roles and permissions to you, that may be able to give or revoke access to your “organization” or account.

7. Your content in our Services

Our Services may allow you to upload, submit, store or publish content such as your company logo. You retain ownership of the intellectual property rights that you hold in that content. However, you give Beam a worldwide license to use, store, reproduce and modify as necessary to make your content work better with our Services. The rights you grant in this license are for the limited purpose of operating, promoting and improving our Services. If we reasonably believe that any of your content breaches these terms, violates applicable law, or could harm Beam, our users, third parties then we reserve the right to take down some or all of that content in accordance with applicable law.

You can find more information about how Beam uses and stores content in our Privacy Policy (beamcheckout.com/privacy). Or if you think someone is infringing on your intellectual property rights, you can send us a notice of the infringement and we will take appropriate action. For example, we suspend foreclose Beam accounts of repeat infringers.

8. Communication from us

We may provide our Services, make announcements with you or contact you for customer service. To learn more about how we communicate with you, please see our Privacy Policy (beamcheckout.com/privacy).

9. License to use our Services

You are granted a nonexclusive and nontransferable license to electronically access and use the Services only in the manner described in all your agreements with Beam including this Agreement. Beam does not sell to you, and you do not have the right to sublicense the Beam IP. We may make updates to the Beam IP or new Services available to you automatically as electronically published by Beam. We may revoke or terminate this license at any time if you use Beam IP in a manner prohibited by this Agreement.

You may not;
  1. claim or register ownership of Beam IP on your behalf or on behalf of others;
  2. sublicense any rights in Beam IP granted by us;
  3. import or export any Beam IP to a person or country in violation of any country’s export control Laws;
  4. use Beam IP in a manner that violates this Agreement or Laws, or;
  5. attempt to do any of the foregoing.
Beam reserves the right to suspend, terminate your access to the Services, delete your account or take any necessary action if:
  • You materially breach these terms
  • You breach a legal requirement, or by court order
  • We reasonably believe your conduct causes harm or liability, to a user, organization, any third party, or Beam
We may not take action immediately, no terms will be given up if so, such as taking action in the future. If you believe your account has been suspended or terminated in error, you can appeal by contacting us.

10. Warranty

We provide our Services with the utmost respect to you and your rights, as well as with excellence and care. If we do not meet the quality level you expect, you agree to tell us and we will work with you to resolve the issue and improve our Services. In parallel, you warrant that you are eligible to register and use the Services and have the authority to execute and perform the obligations required by this Agreement.

11. Disclaimers

Your use of the Services is at your own risk. The Services and Beam IP is provided on an “as-is” basis without warranties of any kind. Beam hereby disclaims all warranties with express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

12. Liabilities

These terms only limit our responsibilities as allowed by applicable law. Beam is not responsible for any other losses, damages, deaths or personal injuries, fraud, fraudulent misrepresentations, gross negligence, or willful misconducts.

If you are an organization, then to the extent allowed by applicable law, Beam’s total liability arising out of these terms is limited to 100% of the fees that you paid to use the relevant Services in the past one (1) month before the breach.

13. Settling disputes and governing law

Singapore law will govern all disputes arising out of these terms. These disputes will be resolved exclusively in the courts of Singapore, and you and Beam consent to personal jurisdiction in those courts.

By law, you have certain rights that cannot be limited by these terms and these terms are in no way intended to restrict you from those rights.

These terms describe the relationship between you and Beam, if any term is invalid or not enforceable, this will not affect any other terms. We reserve the right to update these terms to facilitate changes to our Services, security, regulatory or to prevent abuse or harm. Should we update these terms, we will provide you with reasonable advance notice, except for urgent situations such as legal requirements.

We really do hope you enjoy using our Services. If you stop using any of our Services and end your relationship with us by closing your Beam Account, we would appreciate any feedback for us to continue improving our services for our society, the greater good.
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